Greatness of Shiva : Mahimnastava of Pushpadanta with commentary


Describes Thee collectively and in each its parts! It signifieth

The three Vedas?

The three worlds®

The three states of consciousness*

The three Devas?

And the (transcending) fourth state® which is Thine.

the first and last is all sound and from it proceed all the seedmantras (Vijas) of the Tantra. The Prazava (word of praise) or Om stands for the Brahma and the Vija Mantras for the various Saguzartpa or forms with attributes of the different Devatas.

I See last note.

2 A=Rik; U=Yajus; M=Sama In this verse the triads of Om are alone referred to but there are Tetrads, Pentads etc. See my Introduction Prapanchasara Tantra.

3 A=Svarga; U=Marttya; M=Patala. In the first or Heaven are the Devas in whom the Sattva guza which as the Sangkhyatattva Kaumudi says is “light (z.e. not heavy) manifestation and desired” (Sattvang laghu prakashakamishtam). All happiness, kindness well being are the effects of this Guna. [n the second or mortal world there are the contraries righteousness (Dharmma) and unrighteousness (Adharmma for men are dharmmadharmmayukta): virtue (Pazya) and sin (Papa) for Rajas guza here predominates ; and from the third or nether world the gates of which are protected by serpents issue the Asuras and other manifestations of the dark Tamoguna.

4 Waking (Jagrat ), dreaming (Svapna) and dreamless sieep (Sushupti). See Introduction to my “Six Centres and the Serpent Power.” Consciousness itself is Being which is permanent without states ; but there appear fd be states owing to the reflection of consciousness on the associated unconscious ehanging forms.

5 A=Brahma; U=Vishnu; M=Rudra.

6 Turiya deriyed frem Chatur (four) and Chha which the Vedantasara defines to be Brahmanz without Upadhi (Yadanupahitang chaitanyam tat turiyam iti uchyate) and which as Shruti says, is Shantam (peace) Shivam (good) Advaitam (non-