History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes


In placing before the great English reading. public this history of my own race and people I feel that I shall not have to apologise for having selected a subject in which they feel no interest. The name of Parsi is known not merely for the recent claim of loyalty to the British Government, although we are content to make that our best claim, but also by the honourable position which some of the greatest English writers have accorded the Parsis, or ancient Persians, among the leading nations of the world. If explanation is due from me, I feel rather that it should be of a personal character as to why I have undertaken this work, and not as to whether the history of the Parsis should be recorded in an ample manner from the early period of sovereign independence down to the present day of prosperous security and enlightened contentment.

A question which covers so wide a field and which deals with such a variety of subjects seems

to call for some explanatory introduction which may