History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes


a Principal who has succeeded in impressing his individuality upon every part of the Institution.”

Of the one hundred and seventy pupils who have passed into the University from this Institution, two are now Masters of Arts occupying responsible positions; one is a Bachelor of Laws, practising as a High Court pleader; two are Bachelors of Science as well as of Arts, one of whom is employed in a college at Madras, and the other is reading for the M.D. examination of the Bombay University. There are three Bachelors of Arts; eleven are Licentiates of Medicine and Surgery, one of them being a member of the Indian Medical Service, and two assistant surgeons in the service of Government. Three are Licentiates of Civil Engineering, two are reading in London for the Indian Medical Service, three have passed the first examination for the degree of B.A., two have passed the previous examination, five have passed the first examination in medicine, and one the first examination in civil engineering. Of the rest, some are prosecuting their further studies at the different colleges in Bombay and Poona, and others are employed as teachers, clerks, and in other similar capacities.

Of those who leave the Institution without coming up to the matriculation standard, some join different trades as apprentices, others obtain employment in banks, mills, and mercantile offices, and on the