History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes


time be traced the commencement of a rapid, marked, and constant progress.”!

These schools were conducted by the Managing Committee of the Students’ Society till the year 1857, when the Parsis, who had become thoroughly alive to the advantages of female education, offered to take into their charge the schools of their own denomination, and to provide funds for their permanent maintenance. The offer was cordially accepted by the Students’ Society; and a Parsi Girls’ School Association was formed for the purpose of taking over these schools, So great was the enthusiasm displayed that, in addition to the funds received from the Students’ Society, fifteen thousand rupees? were subscribed in a few days

1 The services this society has rendered to the natives of India are thus acknowledged by the Honourable the Court of Directors in their despatch to the Bombay Government :—

“We regard with special interest the efforts made by the Students’ Literary and Scientific Society for the mental improvement of their countrymen and countrywomen.”

2 We here subjoin the names of those who subscribed five hundred rupees and upwards.

Framji Nasarvanji Patel . : ; : : Rs. 2,000 Manakji Nasarvanji Petit . ‘ i : ; - 1,000 Kharshedji Nasarvanji Kama. ; . . - 1,000 Beramji Jijibhai. : : 3 . 6 - 1,000 Bamanji Framji Kama. : ‘ : : . 1,000 Dhanjibhai Nasarvanji Kama. : : : - 1,000 Jehangir Nasarvanji Wadia ; : ; ; - 1,000 Sunabai Nasarvanji Kama ; : é . - 1,000 Pestanji Framji Kama . : : : : ‘ 500 Dosabhai Framji Kama —. : ‘ : F ; 500 Dosabhai Hormasji Kama . ‘ . é , . 500 Pestanji Hormasji Kama . : : : : : 500

Sorabji Pestanji Framji . : ; ; : . 500