History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes


schools, the Committee have succeeded in imparting solid instruction in different branches of knowledge to thousands of girls, and in improving the intellectual and social condition of the rising generation of Parsi females.

The schools are very popular among the Parsis, as will be seen from the numerous permanent endow-

ments* founded in connection with them by liberal-

1 J. A permanent endowment of Rs.2,240 bestowed by a generous Parsi lady, the interest of which is applied annually for the purpose of awarding two scholarships of the monthly value of Rs.4 each to the successful competitors declared by the examiners appointed by the Committee,—such scholarships to be held for a period of one year; and an annual prize of Rs.16 to the girl standing next in rank and attainments to the successful competitors.

Il. An endowment of Rs.10,000 bestowed by Bai Dhanbaiji in commemoration of her husband, the late Dhanjibhai Nasarvanji Kama, the interest of which is annually applied by the Committee for the purpose of awarding annually a prize of the value of Rs.100 to the gitl who is certified and declared by the examiners nominated by the Committee to be the best qualified for performing the duties of a tutoress or instructress of Parsi girls.

III. An endowment of Rs.5,600 bestowed by Framji Nasarvanji Patel, President of the Association, the interest of which is annually applied by the Committee for the purpose of awarding each year “The Framji Nasarvanji Scholarship,” of the monthly value of Rs.7, to the successful competitor for proficiency in general knowledge and in the principles of Zoroastrian religion, morality, and domestic economy.

IV. An endowment of Rs.2,100 bestowed by the students and ex-students of the Elphinstone Institution and College in commemoration of their benefactor, the Honourable Mountstuart Elphinstone, the interest of which is applied for the purpose of awarding each year a scholarship, designated “The Mountstuart Elphinstone Scholarship,” of the monthly value of Rs.7, to the successful competitor declared by the examiners appointed by the Committee.

VY. An endowment of Rs.12,000 given by the relatives of Bai