History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes


about the value of State management in colleges, high schools, or primary schools for boys, I feel sure that the reasonable fears and susceptibilities which each community feels in the matter of female education can only be overcome by enlisting, not merely the sympathy but the actual management of girls’ schools by members of each community. Quasi public boards, whether municipal or local fund, cannot be trusted in a field where Government have hitherto had but moderate success. We want no mixed committees, no divided interests. The work must be entrusted to the leaders of each community, and only to such leaders as the community itself selects, because of their special interest in female education. If such committees will come forward, I feel sure that the Department will give them substantial aid, and remove all interference. Your wealth and independence have enabled you to dispense even with grants-in-aid. Other less fortunate communities may require that aid, and I see no reason why it should not be given without any conditions which will interfere with your free selection of teachers and systems of instruction.”

In connection with these schools it is but right to notice prominently the names of those who have by their personal exertions largely contributed to their success. Mr. Framji Nasarvanji Patel, who was one of the four Parsi gentlemen who, without their names being known, supported the Parsi schools while they were under the charge of the Students’ Literary and Scientific Society, has been the president of the Association from its commencement, and, in addition to frequent handsome donations, has most efficiently fulfilled the responsibilities of his office. Mr. Hirjibhai Hormasji Sethna has always creditably performed the duties of the office of vice-president. Mr. Kharshedji

Nasarvanji Kama, who was another of these four