History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes


. . and I am commanded to say that the Princesses will forward something in the way of drawings, etc., to prove their Royal Highnesses’ goodwill towards the excellent undertaking.” This bazaar was held in the year 1870. It was the most attractive ever witnessed in Bombay, on account of the many inestimable contributions from royalty. Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales made a contribution in the shape of a handsome gold watch. The Princess Louise graciously sent a picture drawn by Her Royal Highness’s own hands. Her Majesty the Queen of Prussia sent a vase and a dejeuner of porcelain, accompanied by her “best wishes for the success of the noble Institution.” Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha sent a set of Gotha china manufacture. Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess of Prussia was graciously pleased to present four albums, with impressions from pictures ot Her Royal Highness, representing Prussian soldiers during a campaign, as well as two photographs of Her Royal Highness in tortoise-shell frames, and six albums containing the photographs of their Royal Highnesses the Crown Prince, Crown Princess, and their children. Her Imperial Highness the Duchess of Oldenburg contributed a carpet, and their Royal Highnesses the Duchess of Cambridge and the Princess Mary Adelaide sent some beautiful things worked by their own hands. Her Imperial Majesty