History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes


Ashavahishta is the preserver of all life and all that is good.’

“3. Kshathra vairya (Shehrivar), as the name (rule, power) implies, presides over the gift of wealth.

“4. Spenta Armaite (Spendarmad) represents ‘ the pious and obedient heart of the true worshipper of Ahura Mazda who serves God alone with body and soul.’

“5 and 6. Haurvatad and Ameretad (Khordad and Amerdad) represent prosperity and immortality. They represent ‘the preservation of the original uncorrupted state of the good creation and its remaining in the same condition as that in which it was created by God.’”

As regards man, the speculative philosophy of Zoroaster takes cognisance of two intellects, viz. Asno-Khratu (ze. born wisdom) and GaoshosrutoKhratu (7.¢. acquired wisdom; literally, wisdom heard or acquired by the ear). All men are guided by these two kinds of wisdom. The first is what a man has innate in him from the very time of his birth, The second is what he acquires on the surface of the earth by education, observation, and experience. The former that is innate in a man is heavenly and divine, and is far better than the latter, which is hable to err.

Zoroaster’s philosophy also takes notice of two lives. Dr. Haug says :—“ They are distinguished as