History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes


sobriety, intelligence, and honesty, they soon acquired considerable influence and a secure position in this flourishing city of the Mogul.

The establishment of European trading companies at Surat at once brought them to the front, and from that date commenced the true era of Parsi prosperity and importance. Hither the Parsis had the knack of ingratiating themselves in the favour of Europeans or they were selected by them for their intelliigence, business habits, and integrity, for certainly the closest confidence and most cordial relations were soon established. The Portuguese, French, Dutch, and English factories all employed Parsis as their chief brokers; and without them it may be said that they found it almost impossible to conduct their trading and banking operations. One Rastam Manak, who was born at Surat in the year 1635, gained a high reputation as chief broker of the English factory at Surat. He was a man of great ability and excellent character, and had been most useful in advancing English interests in that place. He often smoothed over the difficulties which did not fail to arise between the English and the officers of the Mogul, with whom also he possessed great influence. In the year 1660 many impediments were thrown in the way of the English. by the nawab or ruler of the city, and Rastam Manak took the bold step of going for redress, accompanied by the head of the English factory at