History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes


the Yasna ceremony) in reciting the Yasna prayer, he acting as the Zaota and the initiating priest as the Rathwi. During the day he performs the Afringan and the Baj ceremonies. For four consecutive days he is required to repeat similar ceremonies, and he is then fully qualified as a Nayar. This entitles him to adopt the prefix of “ Ervad” (Herbad), from Avesta aithra-paiti, before his name, just as the word “reverend” is applied to Christian priests. Though he has obtained the grade of a Navar, he is still not allowed to take part in the higher rituals of Zoroastrian ceremonies. He can, however, officiate at the Afringan, marriage, or thread ceremonies, and the like; but he cannot perform the Vendidad, Yasna, Baj, and similar high religious offices. Then, again, he is not entitled to the right or privilege of initiating any other candidate into the order of priesthood. To entitle him to take part in these higher rituals he must pass through the degree known as that of Maratab.

For this high degree he must study the Vendidad, in addition to what has already been acquired by him, Yet the ceremonies in connection with it are simpler than those of the Navar. He has only to undergo one Bareshnum ceremony, and then, in conjunction with a duly qualified priest, has to perform the Yasna ceremony during the morning. On the

same day, or the following, he performs a similar