History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes


‘Two Parsi brothers, Rastamji Manakji and Mervanji Manakji, originally hailing from Surat, established at Daman, under the protection of the Portuguese Government, a factory for Weaving and another for dyeing. These concerns were on an extensive scale. Under the generous and fostering care of the State, they were enabled to make a name in this new branch of industry and to accumulate wealth. The era was one when protection and free trade were unknown shibboleths. Neither was reciprocity known. Monopoly, which is another but most ageravated form of hard - and - fast protection, was the rule; and the Portuguese subsidised the two brothers, and gave them the monopoly of the manufacture. The Portuguese were so much impressed with the value of the new enterprise that the owners of the factories were allowed a grant! of a village for three genera-

* “Dom Joas, by the Grace of God the reigning Prince of Portugal and of Algarves in and out of the sea of Africa Lord of Guine, and the Conquests, Nayigation,. Commerce, and of Etopia, Arabia, Persia and of the Indies, Make known to all those who, by a new Grace for three lives (generations) may see this charter of lease that Modi Mervanji Manakji and Modi Rastamji residing in Daman Persian inhabitants of the Port of Surat merchants protecting the Portuguese Factory having presented a petition signed by them to Francisco Antonio de Viega Cabral da Camara Pimental Senth, of my Council, Staff General of my force and Governor and Captain General of India saying that they having been induced by Jacinto Domingos de Fonceca formerly a Director of that F actory and now residing in Daman that they the petitioners should come with him to that Port (of Daman) there to establish manufacturing houses of all sorts of Cloth as they used to do in Surat for the consumption of the metropolis, encouraging