History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes


Naorozji, by the creditable way in which he conducted the difficult negotiations in England, gained the esteem of all those who came in contact with him.* Of his father Rastam Manak it should be re-

But however the case be, we have at Nowrojee’s request consented and agreed and do hereby direct and order that you do give leave to Bomanjee, if he do yet remain at Bombay, to go to Surat whenever he please without delay and that you do your endeavour by proper application to the Governor of Surat to get Framjee released from confinement, and the Guards taken off from his late Father's house, our desires being to end all differences amicably, for we would not have him opprest.

We have at Nowrojee’s desire given him six letters all of the same tenor with this that as he intends to send them Overland, if any should miscarry the rest may come safe and Earlyer than by the shipping directly from hence for they will not sail till the proper season, by which you may expect an answer to your letters now before us—We are, your loving friends,

Epwp. Harrison, Chairman. Apra. Appams, Deputy. Jostas WorpsworrH sen.

Jouy DrumMonp. JOHN GoULD jun. Witim. AIsLABin. Joun Eccrusron,

Wa. Brners. Epwp. Owen.

Wa. GossE.Lin. JOHN BAnce,

Ricup. Bourton. Battzar LYEwt.

Rost. Hupson. Jostas WorDsWortH jun. Francis CHInp. Marrupw DECKER.

1A gentleman, who had then lately retired from the factory at Surat, wrote to Naorozji’s brothers thus :—

“T have advised Mr. Nowrojee and so have several gentlemen here that you three Brothers should live amicable and peacefully in all your affairs, because in a very short time its to be hoped that the Hon’ble Company will employ you all jointly as their Broker, as is promised by my own, and Nowrojee’s good friends here, but any dispute happens among you then you will ruin your business, since N owrojee’s coming to England he hath been yery ill, but he hath taken great pains in this business, and every body here hath great value and esteem for him, because he hath managed this affair to the satisfaction of the