History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes


XIX. Any district which the local government, on account Certain Districts of the fewness of the Parsi inhabitants, shall to be within the deem it inexpedient to include within the jurisdiction of the . |... _ : . Chief Matrimonial jurisdiction of any District Matrimonial Court, Court. shall be included within the jurisdiction of the Parsi Chief Matrimonial Court for the territories under such local government where there is such Court.

XX. A seal shall be made for every Court constituted under this Act, and all decrees and orders and copies of decrees and orders of such Court shall be sealed with such seal, which shall be kept in the custody of the presiding Judge.

XXI. The local governments shall, in the Presidency towns

Appointment of and Districts subject to their respective governele eaie ments, respectively appoint persons to be delegates to aid in the adjudication of cases arising under this Act. The persons so appointed shall be Parsis; their names shall be published in the official gazette ; and their numbers shall, within the local limits of the ordinary original civil jurisdiction of a High Court, be not more than thirty, and in districts beyond such limits not more than twenty.

XXII. The appointment of a delegate shall be for life. But

Power to appoint Whenever a delegate shall die, or be desirous new delegates. of relinquishing his office, or refuse or become incapable or unfit to act, or be convicted of an offence under the Indian Penal Code or other law for the time being in force, then and so often the local government may appoint any other person being a Parsi to be a delegate in his stead ; and the name of the person so appointed shall be published in the official gazette.

XXIII. All delegates appointed under this Act shall be conDelegates to be sidered to be public servants within the mean-

d 1 public ser- . 5 ae F ing of the Indian Penal Code.

XXIV. The delegates selected under the sixteenth and Selection of dele. Seventeenth sections to aid in the adjudication gates under sections . : P ak der Sete of suits under this Act shall be taken under fromthoseappointed the orders of the presiding Judge of the Court under section XXI. jn due rotation from the delegates appointed

by the local government under the twenty-first section.

Court seal.