History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes


(4.) Children of the paternal grandfather, and the lineal descendants of such of them as shall have predeceased the intestate.

(5.) Paternal grandfather’s father and mother.

(6.) Paternal grandfather’s father’s children, and the lineal descendants of such of them as shall have predeceased the intestate.

(7.) Brothers and sisters by the mother’s side, and the lineal descendants of such of them as shall haye predeceased the intestate.

(8.) Maternal grandfather and maternal grandmother.

(9.) Children of the maternal grandfather, and the lineal descendants of such of them as shall have predeceased the intestate.

(10.) Son’s widow, if she have not re-married at or before the death of the intestate.

(11.) Brother’s widow, if she have not re-married at or before the death of the intestate.

(12.) Paternal grandfather’s son’s widow, if she have not re-married at or before the death of the intestate.

(13.) Maternal grandfather’s son’s widow, if she have not remarried at or before the death of the intestate.

(14.) Widowers of the intestate’s deceased daughters, if they have not re-married at or before the death of the intestate,

(15.) Maternal grandfather’s father and mother.

(16.) Children of the maternal grandfather’s father, and the lineal descendants of such of them as shall have predeceased the intestate.

(17.) Paternal grandmother's father and mother.

(18.) Children of the paternal grandmother's father, and the lineal descendants of such of them as shall have prederened the intestate.

WHITLEY STOKES, Offy. Asst. Secy. to the Govt. of India, Home Dept. (Legislative).