History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes


Fars, 1. 11, 54

Fasteau, Captain, ii. 86

Feridun, i. 4; ui. 150

Fergusson, quoted, 26 note

Fergusson, Sir James, i. 298, 300 note

Firdusi and his epic, i. 4, 25 note ; i. 152, 162, 170, 225

Fire, removal of sacred, ii. 38 ; regarded as a symbol, 211; purifying, 213; what it signifies, 214; antiquity of reverence of, 219; how attended, 221

Fire-temple at Sanjan, i. 35

Firman, a, ii. 20

Firoza, li. 52 note

Firuzan, Prince, i. 12, 13

Fitzgerald, Lord, ii. 95

Fitzgerald, Sir Seymour, i. 109, 144

Five ancient monarchies, historian of, i. 8

Flamines, the, ii. 167, 216

Flora Fountain, the, ii. 145

Forbes, Mr. John, 220 note

Forbes, Mr. John, ii. 92

Forbes’s Oriental Memoirs, ii. 221

Forbes, Sir Charles, ii. 72, 105, 261

Fort, the, i. 318

Fort George, ii. 51

Fort High School, the, i. 294, 298

Fort Proprietary School, the, i. 294, 298

Framji (Lavji Wadia’s grandson), ii. 64

Framji Jamaspasana, Mr., ii. 233

Framji Kavasji Banaji, My., i. 116, 224 note, 237 and note, 241; ii. 55, 111; becomes agent for East India Company, 112; his worth, 112; his love of agriculture, 113; styled the Lord Leicester, 113 ; his estate at Pavai, 114-116 ; sends present of mangoes to the Queen, 117 and note; his death, 118 ; building erected to his memory, 119; institute called by his name, 120; establishes English paper, 120; monuments of his benevolence, 121 ; 210 note

Framji Kayasji Institute, i. 318; ii. 120

Framji Kayasji Tank, ii. 121

Framji Manakji, presentation to, ii. 65 note

290; ii


Framji Nasarvanji Patel, Mr., i. 89, 116, 242, 258, 255, 279, 310, 312 note, 316 note, 322; ii. 59; his services to various associations, 143; founds an Anglo-Vernacular school, 144

Framji Nasaryanji’s scholarship, i. 316 note

Framji Petit Mill, ii. 136

Framji Rastamji (Rastam Manak’s son), ii. 12

France, ii. 76; war with, 79; 100

Fraser, Professor A. G., i. 289

Frashaoshtra (a name), ii. 150

Frashaoshtra (a minister), ii. 153, 154

Fravardigan, i. 212; ii. 161

Frayardin (month), i, 106, 113, 144, 146

Fravardin (day of the month), i. 140

Fravardin (angel), i. 185

Frayardin Jasan, i. 150

Fravardin Yasht, i. 150, 212; ii. 154

Fravashis, i. 149, 150; see Frohars

Free Church Institution, the, i. 285

Freemasonry, i. 149; among Parsis, li, 288

French, the, ii. 9, 244

French, the Empress of the, i. 327

French Government, li. 75 note

Freni, ii. 154

Frere, Lady, i. 817 note

Frere, Sir Bartle, i. 105

Friend of India, the, ii. 122

Friendship, the, ii. 77

Frohars, i. 140, 149, 150

Fryer, Dr., i. 51

Funeral, a public, ii, 27-28

Funerals, Parsi, i. 198


GAHAMBARS, i. 112, 146, 147, 148; u. 161, 168

Gahs, ii. 169 ; their number, 169; 237

Gaikwar, the, i. 208; ii. 78

Gaiomard, i. 3

Galecha, i. 178

Gambier, Mr. R., ii. 64 note

Gandeyi, ii. 259

Ganj-i-Saigan, ii. 177