History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes
Nose-ring, i. 122-123
Nugna d’Acunha, i. 28 note
Nujjeet, i. 94 note
Nusks, ii. 157
Nyaishes, the, ii. 169; their number, 169; 237
OBELISK road, ii. 121
Oderie, i. 40
Ogamdecha, ii. 177
Oldenburg, Duchess of, i. 326 Ollivant, Mr. E. C. K., ii, 74 Olpad, ii. 24
Oman, King of, i. 27 note
Oppert, Professor, ii. 234
Order of the Indian Empire, i. 279 Oriental Bank, ii. 247
Oriental mills, ii. 139
Oriental spinning company, ii. 248 Ormus, i. 24
Osorio, i. 28 note
Ouseley, Sir William, li. 208, 220 Ovington, Rey. Mr., i. 266
Owen, Mr. E., ii. 15 note
Oxford, i. 207; library at, ii. 173 Oxus, the, i. 3, 10
Page, William, Mr., i. 206 note
Pahlu, ii. 175
Paitita, 1. 145
Pajak, ii, 157, 161
Palanji Nasarvanji Patel, Mr., i. 83
Palestine, i. 6
Panchayet, i. 127, 169, 173, 211, 215, 217; the first, 217; as a court of justice, 218 ; its power of inflicting punishment, 218-219; appointing a, 223; power of, 224; decision of, 226-228 ; 228; inflicts punishment, 229; 233; decline of, 236; impotence of the, 240; its want of power, 241; 243, 267, 273; il. 16 note, 229; funds of, 268
Panch Mahals, i. 101
Pandnama, ii. 237
Pandnama Buzargche-Mehr, ii. 181
Pandnama-i-Adarbad Marespand, ii. 233
Panjab, i. 7, 38; ii. 260
Panjbokhat, i. 36 note
Pan-Sopari, i. 177
Panthakis, the, ii. 56
Papak, i. 159
Papilius, M., 1. 104
Paraho, ui. 192
Parbani, ii. 127
Parchol, ii. 23
Parganas, il. 23
Pargarad, i. 194
Paris, Imperial Library at, ii. 173; 234
Parnali, ii. 129
Pars, i. 11; see Fars
Parsi Benevolent Institution, the Sir Jamshedji Jijibhai, i. 286
Parsi dokhma, i. 51 and note
Parsi Girls’ School Association, i. 312, 313, 314, 319; ii. 143, 288
Parsi Law Association, 1. 253, 254, 258, 266; li. 143
Parsi Marriage Act, i. 257
Parsi religion, see ii. chaps. iii., iv., v.
Parsi Succession Act, i. 257
Parsis, who are they? i. 2; meaning of name, 11; nearly wrecked when fleeing, 29; attempt to convert, 41-42; appealed to for help, 44; their reply, 44; in Persia, 53-55 (see chap. il.); of Bombay appealed to, 63; character of, in Persia, 70; numbers of, 91; in Bombay, 92; in Chima, ete., 92; low mortality of, 96; proportion of children among, 96; vitality of, 97; proportion of males among, 97 ; occupations of, 98-99; not given to agriculture, 100 ; no soldiers among, 101; causes of this, 103-104; as volunteers, 102; their qualities, 104-105; sects of, 105; their year, 106 ; shrewdness of, 115 ; dress of, 117 ; dress of their ladies, 118-120; dress of their priests, 120; appearance of, 120; their women, 121; their mode of life, 123; their manner of taking meals, 124-125 ;