History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes


his death in the year 1689 he was succeeded by his son Rastamji Dorabji in all the offices which he had held under the English.

There ig one trait in their character for which the Parsis are remarkable, and that is loyalty to their ‘Government. Their readiness to rise or fall with its fortunes has been more conspicuously demonstrated since their contact with the English, and it has always been exhibited whenever occasion has rendered necessary such an exhibition of devotion. The powerful British Government in India is fully cognisant of the fact that at one period of its history the city which

now in point of population ranks as the second in the

Mr. Bruce in his work on the East India Company, derived from the following sources :—

Xeraphins. Rent of Mazagon : : . 9,300 0 40 , Mahim. .. . 4,797 2 45 » Parella . . : . 2,377 1 56 Vadela . : : . 1,738 0 40 Sion : : : : 790 0 60 Veroly . : : . 571 1 34 Bombaim j : . 6,344 2 61 25,920 1 18 5, tobacco farm . . . . . 9,550 0 0 » taverns . . ‘ . : . 2,400 0 O The account of customs . . . . 18,000 0 0 3 cocoa-nuts ; . . 18,000 0 O Xeraphins . 73,870 1 18 More may be advanced . 1,129 1 62 Total xeraphins . 75,000 0 0

Which, at 13 xeraphins for 22s. 6d., amount to £6,490 717: 9.