History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes


Admiralty were not backward in expressing their sense of their high approbation of his labours. They not only thanked him in the handsomest manner but presented him, through Mr. J. Johnstone, Commissioner of the Navy, with a silver cup bearing a suitable inscription. On receiving the approbation of so high and competent an authority, Jamshedji’s heart was naturally filled with joy and just pride, and he acknowledged it im the following fitting terms :“Deeply impressed as I cannot fail to be with the strongest feelings of gratitude and respect towards the high authority from whence has emanated the distinction now conferred upon me through your hands, I am but ill able to express the pride and pleasure derived. To myself and family on the present occasion that the first ship of seventy-four guns ever built for His Britannic Majesty in this part of the world should have been constructed by me was in itself a matter of great gratification, but that my humble efforts in that work should have obtained not only the approbation of many respectable professional men in India, but also that of the high authority which presides over the whole British Navy, cannot fail to make a lasting impression on my mind and be carefully transmitted to my latest posterity.

“Since the construction of the Minden of seventyfour guns, I have built under the auspices of the respectable Government of this Presidency the Corn-