History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes


Jehangir Nasarvanji Wadia was also a very charitable man. He built for the use of the Zoroastrians a fire-temple and a tower of silence at Diu, as well as a tower of silence and a ‘‘ dharmshala” at Gopipura in Surat. On his death, which took place at Bombay on the 19th May 1843, a local English newspaper wrote thus:—“. . . His kindness of heart, his generosity, and his benevolence, that almost every one of his acquaintance and relations feels as if they had been deprived of a father or a brother. In him the Parsis have lost one of the principal members of their tribe, and the world a good man.”

Another member of the same family, Ardeshir Framji Wadia, was also honoured by the French Republic in the year 1851, for the services which he had rendered on various occasions to the French Navy, by the award of a medal of the first class in gold.* 2 The family of Dadiseth is not less famed in the


Panis, 22d July 1851,

Str—According to the account which has been submitted to me of the services which you haye rendered on various occasions to the French Navy, I have awarded you a medal of the first class in gold, with a view to perpetuate the memory thereof.

You will find, enclosed herein, this honourable evidence of the recognition of the Government of the Republic.

Receive, sir, the assurance of my high regard for you.

The Minister of the Marine and of the Colonies, (Signed) Dr CuassELour LAvBAT.

Mr, ArprsHir FRAmg1, Bombay.