Indian dancing


Many of the numbers are stylized, among them zartakrasa, the basant rasa, and the kunga rasa of the Nrtya Lila. The limb movements ate often interpretative. The rhythm to which they are performed is soft and subtle in contrast with their acrobatics, an outlet for the martial instincts of the clan.

Maniputi owes much of its popularity to the revivalist efforts of Rabindranath Tagore, who used this technique for his musical plays such as Shap Mochan, Nateer Puja, and The Kingdom of Cards. At Shantiniketan, Tagore encouraged the art and invited Naba Kumar, one of its best exponents, to impart his knowledge to the dance pupils there. Gowrie, the daughter of the well-known artist Nandalal Bose, has also done much to popularize Manipuri all over India and in Ceylon. In Rajputana and Gujerat in particular, Manipuri is held in great favour.

With its grace and sweetness, devoid of either sensuality or austerity, Manipuri is a thing of joy and beauty and supremely adaptable to group dancing. Conforming to but a few stylized gestures, it allows great latitude to the creative artist, and is a medium very suitable for the progressive choreographer.