Indian dancing


Devadasis, female temple dancers Dharma, ‘code’ ot rule material self Dhoti, drape worn by men from the waist down Dhyana, meditation Dohas, verses Drishyakava, poem

Gagra, flounced skirt of from 15 to 20 yatds worn by women in North India

Ganas, attendants

Gandharvas, company of musicians

Gaths, gestures

Gati, gait movements

Gopis, village maidens

Guru, master

Hasta, hand

Hasta mudra, gestures of the hands

Hasta prana, ‘life breathed into the hand’

Hasya, mirth, satire

Jethis, time beats in which head, arms, and legs are used Jugupsa, aversion

Kali, music

Kama, emotions Fi

Karuna, pathos

Katha, dance drama

Khol, an instrument rather like a guitar Kritya, activities

Krodha, anger

Kshatriyas, warriors

Kura, bangle

Lasya, graceful feminine movements

Laya, rhythm

Lokadharma, code of Indian dancedrama enjoining naturalness Maddalam, a small variety of drum Mana, the brain

Mantras, prayers

Matras, sub-divisions

Melappadma, musical contest Mridanga, dram players Mudra, gesture

Mauri, flute

Musti, fist

Narva, dance Nattuvan, teacher Natiwanars, scholats of dancing Natya, dance-drama Natyadharma, code of Indian dancedrama advocating imaginativeness Natya Veda, Book of Knowledge and Drama Nauich, name applied to popular dancin Nautch ghar,a dancing hall attached to each temple is known as a nautch ghar Nava ratna, Nine Jewels Nrtta, tigid stylization pure dance Nrtya, form of abhinaya producing aesthetic delight. It incorporates bhava and rasa

Padams, songs expressed in mime

Pancha, five

Pandal, canopy or tent

Parana, dance metre

Pilsuj, high stand

Pradipa, lamp

Prajapatis, messengers of Brahma

Prana, ait, breath

Pataka, gestute signifying protection

Pratyanga, intermediate parts [of the body] such as the neck, shoulders, back, stomach, elbows, thighs, knees, and ankles

Puja, offering of prayer

Purana, legend ox history

Purrapadu, a cacophony of drums and trumpets

Putras, sons

Raga, tune Ragas, male tunes Raginis, female tunes