Indian dancing


Abe, Kathakali: Left, How Beautiful! The right hand in ‘ardha-chandra’, the left in ‘mudrakhya’. The ‘rasa is ‘adbhuta’, or wonderment, and may also be interpreted as ‘sringara’, or love. Right, Putting on a Ring. The left hand in ‘pataka’, with the right hand in ‘mudrakhya’, slipping the ring over the raised finger of the ‘pataka’ hand. The ‘rasa’ is ‘sringara , or love. Below, Bharata Natyam: Left, How Beautiful! The right hand is in ‘alapadma’, describing beauty, while the vasa is again ‘adbhuta or ‘sringara’. Right, Putting on a Ring. The right hand in ‘katakamukha, with the little and ring fingers raised placing the ring on the appropriate finger of the left hand. The ‘rasa’ 1s ‘sringara’, or love.