Jugoslovenski Rotar

| sth July 1934. My dear Secretary Zdenko Knez,

As one of the two representatives of the Whitley & Monkseaton Rotary Club who formed part of the party, under the direction of Rotarian Tom Smith of Islington, recently visiting Yugo Slavia, may I take this opportunity of conveying to you the appreciation of my own Club President and members for the hospitality which you afforded to Rotarian Reid and myself together with our ladies when we had the opportunity of meeting you all, first at Bled and secondly on our return when we had the never to be forgotten pleasure of visiting you at Ljubljana.

On the first occasion you gave to each Club a small banner of your Country and Town which we have handed to the President of our own Club with your cordial greetings. On the second occasion was the never to be forgotten time when we travelled through by road and arrived so very late at Ljubljana. Notwithstanding this late arrival your Club assembled in full number along with your ladies and afforded us such an excellent welcome. After the late Lunch you took us to your wonderful Cafe house and then shewed to us your interesting Town.

Then we have to remember the interesting provision baskets which you handed to each of us to succour us on our journey and which we so very heartily appreciated.

I need hardly say that if at any time any of your members should be visiting England and arrive on the Tyneside area it would be our pleasurable duty to give them a hearty welcome.

We hope that some of your members may be through in England at the Conference of R.I.B.I. to be held at Margate in May 1935 when again we will have the pleasure of seeing you.

May I take this opportunity of congratulating your Club on your Past President Dr. Viljem Krejéi being appointed to the office of District Governor for the 77th District. We will ever remember that we had the pleasure of handing to him on your behalf the flag as the emblem of friendship on our visit. My personal regards to him and to all who assisted in any way to make our visit such a happy one. In particular we would pay special tribute to all the kindnesses we received from Mrs. Copeland.

Yours very sincerely, A. Briggs Secretary No.3 District of R.I.B.I. Past Secretary Whitley Bay Club (8 years) Chairman No. 3 District Extension Committee

Past Member Club Service Committee of R.I.B. I.