Jugoslovenski Rotar

intenzivnijih boja i njihovi slapovi su mnogo jači. Najljepši su slapovi Sastavci, Slap Plitvice, Galovacki slapovi i Labudovac.

Klima je planinska gorskog kraja od 6oo metara nadmorske visine. Snijega nestaje obično u aprilu. U maju je posve ugodna proljetna temperatura. Ljeti nema vrućine, jer struji uvijek svJeži zrak iz velikih kompleksa šuma, a s jezera svježi povjetarac. Temperatura voda digne se ljeti do 24°C. Ljeto je ujedno i glavna sezona Plitvica ı to baš radi najugodnije klime, koja je najpodesnija za kupanje, veslanje i jedrenje. U jeseni je najpodesnije vrijeme za glasoviti ribolov na pastrve. Plitvička jezera obiluju pastrvama, od kojih je ulovljeno veoma lijepih egzemplara do ıy, kilograma teških. Obična im je težina oko pol kilograma.

Zimska sezona obiluje velikim množinama snijega zato se teren okolo Plitvičkih jezera osobito preporuéa zimi za ski. U decembru i januaru je najlepši zimski štimung. Tada Je snijeg najobilniji, jezera zamrznu, a slapove prekriva ledena kora. U to vrijeme su Prošćansko jezero ı Kozjak uslijed svoje veličine vrlo podesna za sklizanje na ledu.

Iz svega gornjega kao i iz činjenice, da su Plitvička jezera gorama zaštićena od jakih vjetrova vidljivo je da su ona prvoklasno zračno lječilište.

Najbolji pristup na Plitvička jezera је iz Zagreba. Do stanice Vrhovine putuje se željeznicom, a od te stanice vodi cesta od 24 km do Plitvica. Na toj cesti saobraća autobus ı privatni auti.

Hotelske prilike su dobre, osobito u posljednje vrijeme, otkada je Banska uprava Savske Banovine preuzela hotel Plitvice ı posvetila mnogo pažnje uredjenju toga hotela i regulaciji Plitvičkih jezera.

Završujemo ovaj kratki prikaz naglašujući, da nikakav opis niti slika ne može niti približno prikazati svu ljepotu Plitvičkih jezera, nego je potrebno da ih se posjeti. Onaj tko nije vidio Plitvica nije vidio najlepšeg kraja u Jugoslaviji.

Dr. Ante Dražić, Zagreb.

On account of their stony grounds and naked surroundings the lower lakes are of more intensive colour, and their cascades are much bigger. The most beautiful cascades are Sastavci, Slap Plitvice, Galovatki Slapovi and Labudovac.

The lakes have the same climatic conditions as any place in mountains of 2000 ft. height above sea-level. Snow disappears in April. In May the spring temperature is very agreeable. In summer there is no heat because a cooling wind is always blowing out of the large forests and from the lakes. The temperature of the water is raising in summer up to 249 C (75°F). On account of the most agreeable climate which is most opportune for bathing, rowing and sailing summer is the very season of Plitvice. Autumn is the best time for the fishing of trouts. The lakes of Plitvice are full of them, and there were caught some beautiful trouts up to 15 kos (33 lbs.) of weight. The average weight is 1 lb.

The winter season brings much snow, therefore the ground round the lakes of Plitvice may be especially recommended for ski. In December and January there is best winter temper. The snow is high, the lakes are frozen, and the cascades are covered with an ice-bark. In this time the Pros¢e and Kozjak lakes are on account of their size very suitable for skating.

According to all that and to the fact that the Plitvice lakes are protected from strong winds by high mountains, it can be asserted that they are a first class health resort. The best way to Plitvice leads from Zagreb by train to Vrhovine, and then with the bus or private car (15 miles road).

The hotel conditions are good, especially in last time, as the Plitvice hotel is run by the government, which has paid much attention to the furnishing of this hotel and the regulation of the Plitvice lakes.

Ending this short representation we may emphasize that neither a description nor a picture could even by the way show all the beauty of the Plitvice lakes. They must be visited.

When you have not seen the lakes of Plitvice, you have not seen the most beautiful place of Yugoslavia.