JUS standardizacija
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PRILOG C General agreement on tariffs and trade
Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade
NOTIFICATION The following notification is being circulated in :accordance wiht Article 10.4.
1. Party to Agreement notifying:
2. Agency responsible:
3. Motifjed under Article 2.5.2|_, 2.6.1_ |, 7.3.2L |}, 7.:4.1L], Other:
4. Products covered {CCCN where applicable, otherwise national tariff heading):
6. Description of content:
7. Objective and rationale: 8. PRelevant documents:
9. Proposed dates of adoption and entry into force:
10. Final date for comments:
11. Texts available from: National enquiry point L_| or address of other body:
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Standardizacija 1985./br. 11—12