Nelson's history of the war. Vol. XI., The struggle for the Dvina, and the great invasion of Serbia

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Western Front.

4. | German reverse on the Central

Meuse. French occupy Varennes, but are driven back at

Arras. British troops reach Antwerp. Fighting on the Nethe. Germans win the passage of the Nethe. They bombard Arras.

Preparations made to evacuate Antwerp. Exodus of the inhabitants. Fighting on the Scheldt.

City of Antwerp bombarded. Retirement of the garrison across the Scheldt. British air raid on Cologne and Diisseldorf.

Germans enter Antwerp.

British Second Corps begins the advance towards Lille.

Germans enter Lille. British Third Corps drives them from Meteren.

British Third Corps advances towards the Lys.

Belgians driven from the Forest of Houthulst.

End of the advance of the British Second Corps.

New German levies at the front. British Fourth Corps reaches the Roulers-Menin line. Fighting between Germans and Belgians on the Vser.

Transfer of the British army to Flanders completed. The first division of Indians reaches the front. British Third Corps held up on the Lys. Fourth Corps advances towards Menin. British warships assist the Belgian left.

Eastern Front.

Russians again in East Prussia.

German begins.

advance on Warsaw

End of the Russian advance into East Prussia; German retreat at an end.

Germans at Lodz.

Battle on the Vistula begins. Siege of Przemysl raised for three weeks.

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