Nelson's history of the war. Vol. XI., The struggle for the Dvina, and the great invasion of Serbia

214 A TABLE OF EVENTS. _ Sa 1914. | Western Front. Eastern Front. Nov. 3. | British line at Ypres readjusted. »» 6. | German attack on the Klein Zillebeke position. »» 7. | British counter-attacks at Klein Zillebeke. German attack on Givenchy. nS. » 9. ,» 10. | Germans capture Dixmude. Cossacks enter Posen and cut the German railway line. 5» II. [Great charge of the Prussian Guards at Ypres. »» 12. | Germans again assault the Klein | Russians within twenty miles of Zillebeke position. Cracow. ra I3: Second German assault on Warsaw begins. ssl O14. Russians driven back to Kutno. 1s, ssi 10. s»» 17. | End of the first battle of Ypres. ,, 18. LO: Russians driven from Piontek. al 120, ,» 21. | British air raid on Friedrichshafen. ll22. ,» 23. [German attack on the Indians at | Russian front broken near Lodz.

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