Proposal towards a world system of foreign policies, severly impartal proposals and integrally inclusive

World Eastern formation. Similarly I propose that South America becomes the power basis and protector of the Latin European or Catholic countries. Similarly I propose that Great Britain offers her protection power to the nations of Nordic Europe, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and the Benelux countries included.

This is the crux of the situation of course, and it is not for me to enlarge on atom warfare or on the world-self-exploding hydrogen bomb. The mighty men and mighty nations prefer their mights, and they need their guarantees and protectorates, but we ordinary humanity nevertheless deserve human survival and, with the help of Providence, and our own enduring in freewillhuman fulfilment. ~ But, Ladies and Gentlemen, should we mankind of the West, we of Europe and Britain particularly, start thinking now—in these days of war preparations and Atlantic Charters, of dictatorships of the proletariat and the immense Soviet and American imperialisms, with Japan prohibited from thinking and speaking of human synthesis and organisation, and with the great China reduced to mere and strict co-partnership in the Communist world offensive; should we not, I say, consider the strange and unique position of the Indian sub-continent in the far Eastern conformation of our one, common, indivisible humanity?

( Forl plead urgently for the consideration by us of the Western

thought of the marvellous and ancestral culture-bloc of the Asiatic humanity, and of the Pacific ocean hemisphere. It is necessary not to lose ourselves in the fractional issues of the RussoAmerican conflict, however titanic and fateful this issue is. I propose that the very notion and idea ‘Atlantic’ be modified now, and adapted to the whole reality of the human situation.

~ By ‘Atlantic’, as an adjective, we should mean the specific modern scientific world of the European and American West, the world of the modern technological civilisation. But we should also mean it with the culture background of the West; this means, with the ancestral or genesic background of the individualist psychology, and therefore of Christian axiology, or of Christianity as the spiritual essence of our culture, however much it looks as though the Soviet millions in their materialism persecute and deny Christian religion or morality.