Ragnarok : the age of fire and gravel


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List of Publications. 29

Treitope (Anthony) Thompson Hall, 1s.

Tromholt (S.) Under the Rays of the Aurora Borealis. By C. Stewers. Photographs and Portraits. 2 vols., 8vo, 305.

Tunis. See REID.

Turner (Edward) Studies in Russian Literature. Cr. 8yo, 8s. 62.

(JX ON Jack (The). Every Boy's Paper. Edited by G. A. Wenty. Profusely Illustrated with Coloured and other Plates. Vol. I., 6s. Vols. II., IIL, IV., 75. 6d. each.

PAst£l (Count) Berlin Society. Translated. Cown 8vyo, 6s.

World of London (La Société de Londres). ‘Translated.

Crown 8yo, 6s.

Velazquez and Murillo. By C. B. Curtis. With Original Etchings. Royal 8vo, 31s. 6¢.; large paper, 635.

Victoria (Queen) Life of. By Grace GREENWOOD. With

numerous Illustrations. Small post $vo, 6s.

Vincent (Mrs. Howard) Forty Thousand Miles over Land and

Water. With Illustrations engraved under the direction of Mr. H. BLACKBURN. 2 vols, crown 8yo, 21s.

Viollet-le-Duc (E.) Lectures on Architecture. Translated by BENJAMIN BUCKNALL, Architect. With 33 Steel Plates and 200 Wood Engrayings. Super-royal 8vo, leather back, gilt top, 2 vols., 37. 35.

Vivian(A. P.) Wanderings in the Western Land, 3rd Eid., tos. 6d.