RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

less inclined to become involved . In all of the stations explicit criteria for participation are especially prominent for editing anđ presenting programs; it is volunteers with a higher level of education which generally fulfill these functions . EXTERNAL ACTORS Considerable time and епегду of governing board members and station volunteers is devoted to searching for financial resources . Local government subsidy when given is депегаНу ađeguate for minimal operation , but insufficient for development of more extensive services. The grants awarded to the stations in the six communities studied were ;

These financial limitations have prompted stations to consider forms of cooperation with the local press ог with cable newspapers . Through such cooperative ventures the stations hope to achieve a more stable source of income . Other options for income incluđe eguipment rental, programming for third parties , and transmission of programming for regional radio stations . All of these options, however, have as price a reduction in station independence and increase in dependence on other institutions . In Helmond these alternatives have been considered seriouslv . The local cable сотрапу proposed a plan for a regional facility center for local stations . The plan was severely criticized by national federation of local radio and television stations (OLON) which felt stations that wou!d make use the center woulđ lose too much of their present automony . The most important external factor in the introduction of local stations is the local government. Local governments are reguested to advise the national government regarding how representative a station organization is for the community . The local government is also , because of the prohibition of advertising anđ the absence of nationally allocated grants for these media , the most prominent source of funding for stations . Well conceived media policy at the local level, however , does


location Grant Conditions Helmond Df 1 . 10,000 one-tlme етегдепсу grant Gouda Df 1 . 5,000 renewab!e amually Weert Df 1 . 30,000 renewable annually Groningen Dfl . 200,000 two уеаг period Tilburg Dfl . 60,000 Interest free loan, no grant Meppel Df 1 , 20,000 one-time start grant