RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

professional staff; l community'is intendecf to designate etectronic media operateđ and controlted by individuals and groups active in a particular locality . Sometimes the role ’of commercial activity is considered crucial in definitions (Barlovv, 1988). In the Netheriands at this moment there is little reason for distinguishing the terms and they аге employed in this paper interchangably . 3 ) Further information on the nature anđ design of this research may be found in the report from which the empirical data for this paper has been extracted (Mol, 1988). References e Barlow , W. "Community Radio in the US : the Struggle for a Democratic Medium" , in Media , Culture and Society . 10 (1983) , pp.Bl - 105. » Berrigan , F . (ed . ) Access ; Some Western Mođels of Community Media . Liege : Georges Thone , 1977. » Brants, K. and Jankowski, N. "Cable Television in the Low Countries", in R. Negrine (ed.) Cable Television and the Future of Broadcasting. London: Croom He1m,1985 ® Downing, J. Radical Media. The Political Experience of Altnernative Communication. New York: South End Press, 1980. e Van Eijk , N . "Reclame op lokale omroepen toestaan, anders loopt zaak ook hier uit de hand", in Adformatie, nr . 4, Јапиагу 28, 1988 pp. 24-26. ® Enzensberger , H. "Constituents of a Theory of the Media" , in New Left Review , 64 (Nov . -Dec . 1 970 ) , PP • 13-36. e Gorter ,D . , Jankowski ,N . , Maesser ,T . "Lokale kabelomroep , de experimenten in Nederland en hun mogelijk vervolg" , Intermediair , 3 5 (Sept . 1, 1978) pp. 45-53. « Jankowski, N. Lokale Omroep Bijlmermeer eindverslag van een veldonderzoek . Amsterđam ; SISWO , 1982. e Jankowski, N. Community Television in Amsterđam: Access to, Participation in and Use of the "Lokale Omroep Bijlmermeer" . Dissertation , forthcoming . » Jankowski, N. and F . Olderaan . "Two-way Cable in Zaltbommel. An Exercise m Implementation" , in C . Anceim , J . Frawley , J .Hartley , F. Pichault , P. Pop and L Ovortrup (e'ds .) , Social Experiments with Information Technology . Proceedings of EEC Conference of Social Expenments with Information Technologv, Odense , Denmark , Јапиагу 1986. FAST Document no. 83, Brussels : April 1986.