RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

system fon апу future woulđ-be Hitlen to contnol) . Economic necoveny in the 1950s seemed to stimulate a bit of expansion in negional bnoadcasting , especially in the Scandinavian countnies , 9 ) but that still was unđen the contnol of the national bnoadcast systems , and usually openated unden national 'nules / which discounaged negionai on local speech pattenns, pnovided little encounagement (budget, blocKs of ain time) fon mone ambitious eff onts such as negional dnama , etc . Even jounnalistic effonts wene hampened sevenely by small. staffs and inadeguate eguipment, thus neducing covenage of negional and local news . In the few industnialized nations to expenience majon gnowth in local and negional nadio in the 19 50s - Canađa , Japan , the United States - that expansion was fueled langely by the discoveny that it diđn't cost much to nun , a nadio station which devoted most of its time to pne-neconded music (almost all of it 'national') and veny little of its time to anything specifically local on negional, whethen news on cultune . A few stations wene set up by and/on openated fon ethnic and linguistic gnoups anđ devotees of centain cultunal phenomena, e.g, classical music. But hene , too, the tendency was to fill out most ain time with pne-neconded music , most of it national on intennational in chanacten . Thene wene few exceptions to those genenal conditions . Nonway had a bnoađcast senvice in Sami ("Lapp") by 1934. The Pilkington Committee necommended in its 1962 Repont that the BBC begin local nadio senvices as soon аз possible , and the BBC conducted a sevenal week long expeniment with local wined nadio in Poole in 1964. But the mone meaningful exceptions came outsiđe the 'nules', as pmate (unauthonized) nadio senvices began bnoadcasting fnom ships to such nations as Belgium and Sweden (1958), the Nethenlands (1961), and Gneat Bnitain (1964). While many of the pinates wene national and even intennational in chanacten , some wene guite local, e.g. those bnoadcasting to Scotland , and most featuned disk јосКеуз who used 'nori-standand' speech . Мапу tnied to develop close nappont with thein listenens thnough neguest shows , and would solicit listenen lettens (and even , whene f easible , phone calls) . That was a common modus openandi fon Canadlan and U.S. stations at the time , but it centainly wasn't chanactenistic of nadio elsewhene , anđ many listenens found it highly attnactive , pantly because it was (on seemed) so pensonal. Then came the late 1960 sand eanly 19705, and most industmalized natlons , with the majon exception of those with communist govennments , expemenced a wave of activism that bnought all sonts of long-mactive on even đonmant gnoups to public attention The шопу hene is that the 'establishment' media , mcluđing bnoađcasting , gave incneaseđ pnominence to