RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

2 . Examples of these tendencies to centralization wilt perhaps strike the outside observer as rather petty - control of the spending plans of local government, institution of a centrally directed curriculum in the state schools , the effective institution of a national police force , persistent rumors of attempts to introduce identity cards - but they are real shifts in the British context. I should add that I do not share the view put forward by some commentators that these constitute a substantial shift away from bourgeois democracy . They are only a change in the mode of its operation . 3 . 'Authority' means the IBA, Тће wordihg 'the programs broadcast by the Authority' refers to the fact that it owns the TV and radio transmitters currently used by the program-originating companies, who are legally barred from possessing such eguipment and from whom it derives a rent. The IBA produces no programs itself but the fact that it can refuse , and has refused , to broadcast a program supported by its originating сотрапу is one of the mechanisms of control open to it in carrying out its obligations . 4 . There have been exceptions of course , most notably Capital, serving the large and rich market in London and the South East, which has consistently returned good profits . The profitability of the other companies has fluctated wildly . One of the major reasons for the lower-than-expected advertising revenues has been that the plethora of different companies each with its own small audience has not been an attractive proposition to the large consumer -goods advertisers seeking a national campaign and a national audience (Thorncroft , 1987). 5 . Recent research has shown that the audience displays 'The strongest demand . . .for types of music popular amongst sectors of the population not particularly attractive to the advertisers . . .and for the most expensive of spoken word programs' (BRU Research Report cited in Higham , 1988 a). 6 . Who is, inciđentally , a self-styleđ 'socialist millionaire'. 7 . interestingly enough , much of the new capital originates in Australia but đoes not, as yet , include that favorite demon of the British left , Rupert Murdoch .