RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

simulcasting of the same BBC ог IBA service on more than one frequency . It is proposed that the frequencies released by this reorganization should be used to set up three National Commercial Radio (NCR) stations. As the BBC national stations cannot be privatised then commercial duplicates аге to be set up instead , Perhaps Thatcher hopes to obtain a morning radio news program more to her ideological taste this way! The proposal which reflects most clearly the laissez-faire economics of the government is the proposal to auction the licenses for these national stations to the highest bidder . But, even in this proposal, the contradictory pressures on Тогу media policies аге evident. Timothy Renton , Hinister of State at the Home Office , made a speech defending the idea of a competitive tender for licenses . But he also made clear that this did not mean the abdication of controls over radio broadcasting to the marketplace . ‘Before being admitted to the auction. applicants will have to satisfy the Radio Authority that the service which they want to operate will be diverse and will meet a range of consumer tastes.' (Renton 1988 a; 4) This makes the whole scheme for NCR seem a weird miKture of Frieđman and Reith . Moreover the setting up of these national channels threatens the shaky finances of the ILRs . Theref оге the Home Office puts forward 1 . . .proposals for lightening the system of regulation for ILR. .' (Home Office 1987: 24) The major change would be allowing commercial radio stations to own and operate their own transmitters. (Home Office 1987: 29; Renton 1988 a; 2) They woulđ also be allowed to discarđ whatever was left of their public service commitments . The end of the olđ duopoly would be symbolizeđ by the removal of radio regulation from the IBA altogether . Instead the Home Office will establish a separate Radio Authority . This will be l a slimline organization' đispensing 1 . . .light regulation đesigned to protect the consumer rather than đirect the broadcaster. (Renton 1988 a: 2; Hurd 1988: 548) Its major task will be awarđing franchises both to ILRs and the envisaged new 'community' stations . However,.the Tories' deregulatory zeal does not go as far as relaxing political controls over the airwaves. Once again , deregulation is contradicted by interventionism . The authority will be empowered to set program standards , so protecting the consumer from left-wing politics as well. Аз Renton told a Parliamentary committee ; . . .we do not expect to see those who аге providing the service editorialising'. (Home Affairs Committee 1938; 7) These powers of censorship will be backed up with ownership