Scientia Sinica


(No figures retouched)

PalreobolusidiscusmWale(SpselOV.) eeereraorrce career cree ee oce eee ei cere Baldy) 1: Exterior of dorsal valve showing ornamentation, 6, figured specimen, I.P.A.S. 7981.

Chiushukou Bed, Upper-most Cambrian; limestone quarry, south of Hluolianchai Station, Penhsi District, ‘Liaoning Province. . Paleobolus rotulus Wang (sp. nov.)........ eA eee eee ee ere ee ee eee p. 158 1: Exterior of ventral valve showing ornamentation, % 3, figured specimen, I.P.A.S, 7982.

Kushan Formation, Upper Cambrian; summit of Nanchimao Hill, Pangchiawa, southwest of

Chiawang Colliery, Kiangsu Province. Wiestoniaovovata IN aDg, (SpanOVs) MEP P es) ere jenn Ge eee eee ee ee aen ee eee p. 158 1: Ventral valve showing subrounded outline of the species, % 2, figured specimen, I.P.A.S. 7983; 2: Portion of exterior enlarged to show ripply surface sculpture, X 10, figured specimen, I.P.A.S. 7984. *

Kushan Formation, Upper Cambrian; limestone quarry near Changshan, Chiawang Coal Field, Kiangsu Province. .

Wiestoniaashengs Wang (Speellove) merece area certs iene cei p. 159 1: Exterior of ventral valve showing general outline, X 3, figured specimen, J.P.A.S- 7985.

Fengshan Formation, Upper Cambrian; west of Hsiatsun Village, Chiawang Coal Field, Kiangsu Province.

Lingulepis nanchuanensis Wang (sp. DOV.) :...--- +20. cee cee eee ee ee tee eee eet te tee p. 159 1: Poorly preserved ventral valve showing general outline of the species, X 2, figured specimen, I.P.A.S, 7986. : ; : :

Panho Series, Lower Ordovician; Hot Spring, east of Nanchuan City, Szechwan Province. Lingula kwani Wang (sp. DOV.)..........:-000++-+2-55 "eq epcuenyanne | avexetie EARATIDT ESE SORE p. 159 1,2,3: Respectively, ventral, dorsal and lateral views of complete immature individual showing gencral form of the species, 1, syntype, 1.P.A.S. 7987; 4: Exterior of ventral valve showing surface sculpture, X 1, syntype, I.P.A.S, 7988.

Kelimoli Limestone, Lower Ordovician; Latsatsung, south of Chotzeshan, Ordos, Inner Mongolia. Apheooriiis COStalis, Wialg. (SpielOve) mayan eee eae ee: p. 160 I: Partially exfoliated ventral valve showing ornamentation, X .2, syntype, I.P.A.S. 7991; 2: exterior of poorly preserved dorsal valve showing broad sulcus, X 2, syntype, I.P.A.S. 7992; 3: impression of exterior of -ventral valve showing strong angular costae in median part and fine costellae in postero-lateral flanks of the valve, X 2, syntype, I.P.A.S. 7993.

Upper Cambrian: Wanchiachai, east of Yellow River, 25 miles north of Piankwan, Shansi

Province. Glyptorthis simplex Wang (Sp. MOV.) ..... 2.2222 32 25s oe we ee p. 161 1,2,3: Ventral, dorsal and lateral views of complete specimen showing ornamentation and strongly biconvex valves, %X 1.5, holotype, I.P.A.S. 7994; 4,5: ventral and dorsal interiors of complete individual showing ventral musculature and dorsal cardinalia, 1.5, paratypes, I.P.A.S. 7995a-b.

Shitzepu Formation, Middle Ordovician; north of Tungkungize Village, Tsunyi District, Kweichow Province.

Paterina talingensis Wang (sp. DOV.) -...--.-.---- 222 neeee see 2 ee te teen eee teeta p. 160 1: Exterior of ventral valve, >< 5, syntype, I.P.A.S. 7989: 2: exterior of dorsal valve, X 5, syntype, I.P.A.S. 7990. .

Manto Shale. Lower Cambrian; Taling, east of Kaochiatsui Station, Penhsi District, Liaoning

Province. Finkelnburgia meitanensis Wang (sp. NOV.) ....+--+2. 2525202 e eee eee eee p. 163 1: Exterior of ventral valve showing delicate costellae and subrounded general outline, X 1.5, syntype, I.P.A.S. 7996; 2, 4: exterior and interior of dorsal value, X 1.5, syntype, 1-P.A.S. 7997: 3; interior of poorly preserved ventral valve showing pseudospondylium and pailial markings, 1.5, syntype, I.P.A.S. 7998. i

Upper part of Loushankuan Limestone, Upper Cambrian; east side of Tuanchiakou Valley, about one mile north of Meitan City, Kweichow Province.