Sexual life in ancient Greece : with thirty-two full-page plates


Restaurants, 175

Rhea, see Cybele

Rhetoricians, frequent gymnasia, 91; at the Olympic Games, 108

Rhodanes and Sidonis, 288

Rhodope, 318, 403

Rhossus, statue to hetaira at, 403

“Rider on the Ass ”’ (adulteress), 63

Romances, 279, 287, 303

Rose, the best adornment of boys, 423 f., 522

Rue, superstition concerning, 367

Runners, costume of, 88

Running, 104; at the Munychia, 120

Sacred Band, the, 442 f. Sacrifice, preceding wedding, 42 Sadism, 503 f.

Sagaris, effeminacy of, 14

Sailors, 129, 260, 354, 359, 386,


Salamis, festival in honour of, 120, 136

“* Salamis-arse,’? 232

Salmacis, 125

Salt, in erotic mysteries, 123; in witchcraft, 379

Sambyke, sambykistriea, 174

Samos, Eleutheria at, 131 ; temple of Hera at, 434

Santorin, see Thera

Sappho, 318 ff.; 172, 244, 316, 403, 462

Sappho, the hetaira, 404

Sardanapalus, typical debauchee, 9; epitaph of, 13; statue of, 14

“Sathon,” as name for boyfavourite, 416

Saturnalia, 131

Satyrs, 137, 165, 219, 464, 520; as hermaphrodites, 127

Satyric drama, 153 f.; costume of chorus, 153; dances in, 165

Satyrion (satyrium), 219, 513; magical property of, 365

Sauroktonos, 193

Scamander, and the virgin, 43, 248

Scamandronymus, 318

Scapegoat, 120; ram as, 131

Scatology, 518 f.

Scent, 406, 407, 424

Sciera (festival), 123, 503

Scopas, 208

Scorpion-bites, magical cure for, 368 n.

Scourging, 123, 195

Scylla, incest of, 157, 276

Seasons, influence on sexual life, |

27; best for marriage, 42; personification of the, 212 f. “ Secrets, the night of,” 56 Seduction, fines for, 34; punishment in Athens, 62; of boys, 446 Selene, 210, 264, 372 ; incantation to, 374 Self-abuse, see Masturbation Self-mutilation, 215, 503, 507 f. Self-satisfiers, see Olisboi Selumnus, and the nymph, 522 Semele, and Zeus, 217

Semiramis, Ninus and, 279; reputed inventor of castration, 510

Sensuality, in Greek life, 6 ff., 307

Sesame, an aphrodisiac, 44

Sexes, comparison of the, 77, 434; at the baths, 101 ; change of, 195, 227, 242, 366

Sexual intercourse, reason for ritual abstinence, 111 ; normal, 307; not disparaged, 399

Sexual organs, 506 ff.; in superstition, female, 367, 370, male, 369 ; see also Privities

Sexual perversion, 499 ff., 525

Shame, 90; see also Nakedness

Shaving, of bride, 43

Shrewmouse, in witchcraft, 374

Sicily, indecent dances in, 120; Aphrodite and, 208; religious prostitution in, 393

Sicinnis (dance), 165, 219

Sicyon, picture-gallery rebuilt by an hetaira, 346

Silenus, 219, 520

Silk, fabrics and garments, 85

Simalos, a favourite of Anacreon,


Simodia, 266

Sindi, the women of, 332

Singers, 154, 172 f.; contests of, 10g, 112

Sinonis, 288

Sipreetes, changed into a woman, 195

Sirens, the, 237, 427

Sirius, 212

Skolia, 49, 477

Sky, generative power of, 181

Slaves, 177, 359; as weddinggifts, 41; at the Hermes festival, 131; forbidden wine, 168; duties at banquets, 169, I723; prostitution of, 392; pederasty forbidden to, 432

Slipper, symbolism of, 58

Smells, sexual, 521