Sexual life in ancient Greece : with thirty-two full-page plates


Theosophy, 371 Theoxenus, a favourite of Pindar,


Thera (Santorin), homosexual inscriptions in, 452

Thersites, 70

Theseia (festival), 118

Theseus, 117, 232-4, 478; his amours, 234; his wives, 70; the boys’ ideal, 118; and Ariadne, 124, 233

‘Thesmophoria (festival), 110, 123, 364

Thesmophorios (month), 110

Thespiz, 350; wedding custom at, 42; worship of Eros at, 221, 460

“Thessalian arts,” 364

Thessalian dancers, 87, 98

Thestius, father of the daughters, 70, 231

Thetis, 137, 235, 236; Peleus

Thigh, exposure of, 83, 173

“ 'Thigh-showers,”’ 31, 83, 95

Thistle, magical property of, 364

“Three Ways, the,” 372

Tights, 266

Timagoras, and Meles (Meletus),


see also


Timarchus, professional sodomite, 339 f.

Titans, the, 181

‘Tithenidia (festival), 121

Tithonus, 210

Tityus, 189

Toasts, 45, 52

Toilet-articles, 357, 406

Torches, at weddings, 45, 49;

races with, 109; in the Eleusinia, 116; at the Munychia, 120; in witchcraft, 379

Tortoise, the, as symbol, 2

Tragedy, motives of, 150

‘Trainers, naked at the Games, 93

Trajan, prohibits pantomimes, 279

‘Transvestitismus, 500

Travellers, reception of, 99, 175 f., 177

Trees, carving names on, and n.

Tribadism, 316 f.

‘Tribon, 79

Trimalchio, 519 n.

Troilus, 137

Trojan War, 24, 203, 235 f., 245

Trophonius, oracle of, 49

Tros, King, gift from Zeus, 463

Truce of God, 103


Trypheena, the hetaira, 381 Tychon, 224

Tyndareos, 235

Typzum rock, the, Olympia, 92 ‘Tyrrhenians, sexual customs of, 11

Undressing, 312; in public, 165, 166; Festival of, 127

Unfaithfulness, in early times, 24 ; Greek views on, 59

Uranus, 181

Urine, magical properties of, 364 ff., 367

Vapour-baths, ror

Vases, subjects of paintings, 25, 83, 90, 99, TOI, 121, 122, 153, 162, 173, 187, 193, 266, 338, 408, 427, 429, 430, 441, 507, 512, 520; inscriptions on, 428, 430

Veal, superstition concerning, 366

Vegetarianism, 295

Veil, bridal, 56; Tarantine, 86

Venus (see also Aphrodite), temple at Corinth, 87

Venus Erycina, temple of, 393

Vermin, charm against, 367

Vermuth, superstition concerning, 365

Vindemitor, 468 n.

Vomiting, 520

Victor, at the Olympic Games, Io5; statues of, 106, 107; his procession and banquet, 107

Vine, superstition concerning, 367

Vine-branches, carried in the Oschophoria, 117

Virago, 196, 227

Virginity, test of, 60

Voluptuousness, a virtue, 9; see also Luxury

Walls, carving mames and obscenities on, 428 and n., 448, 516, 518; paintings on (see also Pompeii), 488

Water-lilies, superstition cerning, 365

Wedding, Plutarch’s account, 43 ; processions at, 45 f.

Wedding-banquet, 44, 174

Wedding presents, 23

““Wet garments,” 86

Wheel, magic, 205, 268, 356, 380,


431 n. Whip, 409 n. “Whore” (see also Hetaire,

Prostitute), euphemisms for,

330, 336