The Aryan origin of the alphabet : disclosing the Sumero-Phœnician parentage of our letters ancient & modern


L, letter, Sumer original of, 36; object pictured by, 36; interchange with R, 37, 47

Labials, 59

Latin alphabet, 20, and see Roman

Left to right writing in Sumerian and Aryan (English, Cadmean Phoenician, etc), 3 f., 16, 19, 66

Lepsius, 18

Letters, alphabetic, derived from Sumerian, 9, 55, O61f., 72; changes in form of, 14f., 23 f.; names of, 55; numeral values of, 60, 65f.; objects pictures by,

24.8., 55 . Ligatured letters, earliest, 49 Linguals, see dentals Lydian alphabet, 18 f. Lydians, as Etruscans, 18f.; as Pheenicians, 18 f.

M, letter, Sumer original of, 37; object pictured by, 37; interchange with W, 38, 50

Malta, Phcenic inscripts. in, 17

Marks v. letters, 5 f.

Marseilles, Pheenic. inscripts. at, 17 ; Phocaeans at, 18

Menes, or Manis-tusu, Aryan king, Af, 52, 62,972

Midas, “tomb” Phrygia, 17

Minuscules, 24 f.

Moabite stone alphabet, 3, 16 f., 53

Mongal writing, 15

Moses borrows Aryan law-code and writing, 33

inscriptions in

N, letter, Sumer original of, 38; object pictured by, 38 Nagari, Indian alphabet and script,

19 Names of letters, 55 Newton Stone Brito-Phcenician inscripts. deciphered, 20, 72 Northumbrian or British runes, 2T Numeral values of letters, 25, 60

O, letter, Sumer original of, 38 ; object pictured by, 38; interchange with 4, U, 4 and G@, 38, 39, 48; value of Ayin, 39

Odal or Odl or Othl, Gothic royal title from Sumerian Ev “ Lord,” 40

G, letter, in runes, 39, 48

CEdl, 42dl, thal, #thl, forms of Odl or Odal, 39

Ogam, alphabet, 21, 22, 25 fee archaic Sumer features of, 22

Oldest historical writing on Udug’s Bowl, 61

Omega, letter, 40, 58

Order of alphabet, 56 f.

Origin, Sumerian of alphabetic letters, 9 f.; of alphabetic writing, 61 f.

P, letter, Sumer original of, 41; object pictured by, 417.; interchange with, B, F and Ph, 41 f.

Pali alphabet, 51, and see Asokan

Parsee writing, 15

Partolan, Phcenician king of Scots, inscription deciphered, 20, 251., 72

Persian, Old, alphabet, 14, 18, 25f.

Petrie, Sir F., discovers early alphabetic letters as “‘signaries’’ in Early Egypt, 5 f.; theories on formation of alphabet, 7 f.; on numeral values of alphabet, 65 f.

Ph, letter, 41 f., 57 £.

Phocaeans as Phoenicians in Cornwall, 18

Pheenician alphabet, Cadmean, 3 f., Pty thn gt S SEMMINIS, SPsis, pth, 15f., 24f.; derived from Sumerian signs, 15f.; reason for non-expressed vowels in Semitic, It

Pheenicians, as Aryans, 2f.,57.; as Britons, 4, 20f., 71; as Carians, I7; as lEtruscans, 20; as Hamites, 2 f.; as Hittites, 66f. ; as Lydians, 18; as non-Semites, 2; as Phocaeans, 18; as Sumerians, 21., 9

Phrygian alphabet, 17

Pinches, Prof. on Cappadocian writing, 64

Picture-writing origin of letters, 55

Pretan, n. for Britain, 41

Prometheus, traditional inventor of writing, I, 69; identity with Bur-Mioth or Thor, first king of Goths or Sumerians, 69

Punic inscripts., see Carthage

Q, letter, Sumer original of, 41 ; object pictured by, 41; interchange with G, K, Kh and X, 32, 4t f.

R, letter, Sumer original of, 43; object pictured by, 43; interchange with L, 38, 47

Retrograde writing, 3, 4, 15, 16 fey 19, 23, 66