The great pyramid passages and chambers

Sphinx is but a dumb idol. On the contrary, the Great Pyramid which to many minds it seems to eclipse, can speak, and in no uncertain voice! It has no lips, indeed, but to those who have the “hearing ears’’ is speaks with a marvellous certainty by means of its symbolical passages and chambers, not only of the distant past, but of the present and even also of the far reaching future! The Great Pyramid has, in these latter days, revealed many things, and possibly it has yet more secrets stored up in its dark passages and chambers. They are like the “dark sayings” of our Lord; which only those who have the “Key” can understand and appreciate. I thank my heavenly Father daily that he has opened the eyes of my understanding to see this Key, the Divine plan of the Ages.

233 The majority of visitors here walk right past the Great Pyramid, and go round to admire the Sphinx. As usual, the ‘‘Idol” receives the most attention and worship. They are no doubt impressed by the immense size of the Great Pyramid ; but everything there bespeaks toil and labour, and comparatively few ascend to its summit; fewer still venture within.

With love in the Lord, Your loving brother, MORTON EDGAR.