The great pyramid passages and chambers



Tents at the Great Pyramid of Gizeh Friday night, 16th July, 1909.

DEAR BRETHREN,—To-day, John and I visited the Well-shaft and Grotto. A day or two ago, Judah fastened the rope-ladder (kindly lent to us by Mr. Covington) to the iron pin which our workmen have fixed in the floor of an excavation in the north wall at the upper end of the Well-shaft. Were it not for the ladder, I question whether we should have ventured the descent. Even with the ladder’s aid, we found it laborious and not without risk. However, we feel that the Lord has provided this comparatively safe means of exploring this symbol of death, and that it is our privilege to take advantage of it. Who would have thought that we should find a rope-ladder ready for us on our arrival at the Great Pyramid ! The Well-mouth, from the south.

530 As you are aware, the upper end of the Well is situated on the west side of the Grand Gallery, about two feet from the north wall, so that all who emerge from the First Ascending Passage into the Grand Gallery, cannot fail to see its open mouth at their feet on the right-hand side—Plate XVIII.

531 We have already taken several photographs of the mouth of the Well; but it seems to be difficult to secure a photograph of this important part, which will show it as it appears to one who is standing in the Grand Gallery. We hope, however, by the aid of those taken, to make a drawing or drawings which will give some idea of its