The great pyramid passages and chambers

to the upper passages which symbolize life and immortality, namely, by the Well. But this way is vertical for a great part of its course, and is only 28 inches square in bore. It is not a passage at all in the proper sense of the term. As already intimated, it symbolizes Christ's ransom-sacrifice. Thus the teaching of the Great Pyramid corroborates that of the Word of God, which intimates that the way to life and immortality was first opened up through the death and resurrection of Christ, and that salvation is by faith. ‘ By grace are ye saved, through faith ; and that not of yourselves ; it is the gift of God : not of works, lest any man should boast "—Eph. 2: 8,9. None can ascend from the plane of condemnation and death, to the plane of reckoned justification except by faith. Justification by faith is not the result of works.

125 Only two men have been capable of keeping the perfect Law of God, because none but these two began life in this world on the plane of human perfection. The first one, Adam, wilfully broke God’s Law (1 Tim. 2: 14) and sold the whole human race under sin and death. The other, on the contrary, the man Christ Jesus, kept the Law, and did not require to die; but delighting in the will of God, he voluntarily gave up his life as a sacrifice, the just for the unjust (1 Pet. 3: 18) ; and then, as it was not possible that he, the innocent one, should be holden of death (Acts 2: 24), God burst the bonds and raised his beloved Son from hades, the death-state. Through the risen Christ as the Last Adam, the First Adam with all of his family will eventually also be raised from the death-state—1 Tim. 2: 4-6. Thus “the first shall be last, and the last first.”

126 Jesus, then, was not born on the plane of condemnation and death represented by the Descending Passage, but on the plane of human perfection. He was ‘holy, harmless, undefiled, and separate from sinners ’’—Heb. 7: 26. But he was born under the Law—Gal. 4:4. This would require that the Great Pyramid should indicate the date of his birth somewhere in the First Ascending Passage. How could it be at one and the same time in the First Ascending Passage, and on the plane of human perfection ? The answer is given in an ingenious and yet simple fashion. The Queen’s Chamber symbolizes human perfection as it will be at the end of the “Times of Restitution ” spoken of by the Apostle Peter, and by all the holy prophets since the world began—Acts 3: 21. Its floor, therefore, should represent the plane of human perfection. If the line of the floor be produced northwards till it touches the floor of the First Ascending Passage, the point of contact will necessarily be on the plane of human perfection. This point will, therefore, fulfil the required conditions—Plate X VIII. It indicates the date of the birth of Jesus, because (1) it is im the First Ascending Passage, symbolizing the fact that Jesus was born under the Law ; and (2) it is on the plane of the Queen’s Chamber floor, symbolizing the fact that Jesus was born on the plane of human perfection. It will be noticed that the level of the Queen’s Chamber floor is not below the summit of the Well, because, properly speaking, the summit of the Well is the upper extremity of the vertical shaft, to which access is gained by the short horizontal passage leading out from the lower or north end of the Grand Gallery, and this, the true summit, is slightly below the level of the Queen's Chamber floor.

127 That this point on the floor of the First Ascending Passage indicates the date of the birth of Jesus, is confirmed by the following interesting fact. It has been shown that the First Ascending Passage and the Grand Gallery, symbolize respectively the Law Dispensation and the Gospel Dispensation. It follows that the point on the floor