The house of Industry : a new estate of the realm


“Well, what are you going to do about it? ”’

““ Some day, the people will rise in their power and vote for the nationalisation of land, capital, and the instruments of production, distribution and exchange.”’

“That sounds very impressive. How are you going to set about it? ”’

“The House of Commons will take these things into its own hands and peace and plenty and happiness will come to the people, whose servant I’ve been for the last half-a-century.”’

“ Having got the whole caboodle into their own hands, what next? A man-sized job, isn’t it? ”’

““We shall run industry in the interests of the people, the long-suffering people to whom I belong, and no longer in the interests of the exploiters and profiteers.’’

“Yes; but how? ”’

““Do not press me for details. The future opens out before our longing eyes and there is a great wisdom in our Democracy.’

“ But tell me what you think. You reject the House of Industry, so you must have some idea how the Commons would proceed.”’

The Labour Veteran smoothed down the few stray wisps of hair upon his otherwise bald pate, paused, then spoke with great deliberation. “‘ I speak quite unofficially, of course, and nothing I say must commit the great Labour Party; but it seems to me that we should divide up our industrial system into departments and then entrust