The house of Industry : a new estate of the realm


S. G. HOBSON, economist and writer, was born in 1870 at Besbrook, Co. Armagh, and educated in Quaker schools at Saffron Walden and Sidcot (Sometset). He was one of the founders of the I.L.P. and established its organisation in South Wales, where he also formed the first branch of the Fabian Society ; a Labour candidate at East Bristol before the Labour Party was formed, and Socialist candidate for Rochdale in 1905. Associated with A. R. Orage and the New Age group ot Guild Socialists.

A. A. PURCELL, secretaty of the Manchester and Saltord Trades Council. President of the London French Polishers’ Union and afterwards its general secretary until the formation of the National Amalgamated Furnishing Trades Association in 1910, of which he became chief organiser. Elected to Parliament as member for Coventry in 1923, and appointed Parliamentary Secretary of the Union. Among other activities he has been Labour delegate to Russia in 1920 and 1924, to United States and to Mexico and India.

A. M. WALL has been since 1926 the secretary of the London Trades Council. By trade a compositor, he represented the London Society of Compositors at the Labour Party Conference in 1925, and the Trades Union Congress in 1926.