The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


aged 17 and 21 respectively, were found unconscious in consequence of having been used by more than 20 soldiers.

In Shlivovo the Captain saw the body of an infant of four months whose throat had been pierced. In Bastava he saw the bodies of an old man of 60 and another pierced with bayonet thrusts.

Town of Krupanj (pop. 1,300)

Many persons, who were brought from other localities, were killed at Krupanj. Only two natives of Krupanj were killed and 13 persons were taken away, of whom nothing has been heard since.

At the limit of the town the Austrians hanged about 20 persons who had been brought there from several villages.

Persida Simonovitch, aged 27, innkeeper in Krupanj. Her inn was made headquarters of the Austrian general staff. The staff consisted of a General, a Major or Colonel, and several other officers. They told Persida to give up her bombs, saying : * With you in Serbia, women have bombs. Give them up.”

The General's physician asked her for eggs for the General. She had none herself, but succeeded in procuring one from a neighbour; she wanted to give it to the doctor, but the doctor advised her to take it herself to the General who could speak Serbian. Persida Simonovitch believes that she owes her life to this egg. The Major or Colonel (the officer who came next in rank to the General) was very harsh. Whenever the capture of several