The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


end of the fourth day, 56 persons were secured together in this fashion. The Austrians then retired, taking the hostages with them, but were obliged to give battle to the Morava Division. Several hostages profited by a moment of panic to effect their escape. Knezhevitch does not know what became of those who stayed behind or were unable to escape. He, having escaped, found one of his children which had been taken away a fivehours’ march from the place where they had been imprisoned for four days. Many of the missing were subsequently found hanging on trees.

Milosh Djuritchitch, aged 55, of Tolisavatz, was killed in his own house, and the body thrown into the fire.

Raiko Vonikovatz, aged 24. The Austrians came to fetch him from his house, and took him away pinioned. Vonikovatz was in the same party as Knezhevitch. When the Austrians encountered the Serbs, he profited by the panic to escape; as his bonds had loosened he was able to escape, especially as during the moment of panic nobody paid any attention to the hostages. During his flight he fell in with an Austrian patrol which fired upon him, and wounded him. Of the 56 hostages, 13 succeeded in escaping, 5 others were subsequently found dead.

Svetozar Vasilievitch, aged 51, of Bela Tzrkuva, was one of the hostages who succeeded in escaping. During the march the officers asked why one was at so much trouble to take away these ““ bougres.” It would have been more simple to kill them at once. The women of his village were outraged.