The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


found the dead body of one of our peasants covered with bayonet-wounds inflicted by the Austrians. This particular villager had served them as guide. In the same village I heard the lamentations of a gipsy woman whose son had been killed by the Austrians because he refused to follow them into captivity. Another woman showed me a grave newly filled in, where the Austrians had buried her husband after having sacked his house and barns, ete. I also heard the pitiful and touching wailing of a young girl whose sister had been outraged and killed by the Austrians for refusing to follow them into captivity. One young girl of the village of Tzulkovitch told me that more than 20 persons, young girls or boys, were carried off from there into captivity, in order to cut off King Peter's supply of soldiers for several years to come.

No. 4

Radisav Starchevitch, Commanding Officer of the 3rd Battalion of the 13th Regt. of the 1st levy, reports under the date 12/25th of August: —

On my way through the villages where the Austrian army had been I heard nothing but the wailing and lamenting of women. In Bela Reka the Austrians had murdered a young girl. They killed the richest peasant in Grushitch, after having extorted 100 ducats from him. In Z=ulkovitch they killed the mayor.

No. 5 Djoka Popovitch, priest, and chaplain of the 13th Regt. of the 2nd levy, made the following deposition dated 12/25th August: id :