The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


massacred the boys over 8 years of age, outraged the women and girls, and taken away the old men as hostages. In one place the Captain saw 6 gallows, upon which 6 persons belonging to the neighbourhood had been hanged.

No. 25

Colonel Alexander Petrovitch, Commander of the 6th Infantry Regt., of the 2nd levy, reports under the date of August 8/21st:

According to the depositions of the women of Leshnitza, which depositions are embodied in the minute, the Austrians, on August 6/19th shot 50 of our peasants in that neighbourhood. They did this with the object of intimidating the population. In order to enhance the effect of this measure they brought along the women and children to witness the execution. The 12-year-old son of Milutin Pavlovitch, of Leshnitza, was one of the victims, They hanged 6 peasants in the orchard belonging to Nikola Lazarevitch. About 50 peasants were taken as hostages, and there is every reason to believe that they have been killed. According to the deposition of M. Jacob Sabord, pointsman at the railway station, the Austrians buried 109 of their victims just outside the station itself; the number of the killed included old men, young people, and children.

No. 26

Lieutenant Yevrem Georgevitch (Drina Division, 1st Levy) reports under the date of August 12/25th,