The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


The enemy shot dead the 17 peasants, whose names are as follows:

Yovan Radovanovitch, aged 70.

Viadislav Viadoievitch — ,, 55.

Zhivko Taditch 50. Milia Vragelitch sb 0, Yovan Bookuvitchki , bd Yakov Adamovitch 70! Mihailo Jakovitch LT Stevan Rakitch S55

Theodore Stankovitch » 45.

Radislaw Shubarashevitch ,, 60.

Sofronie Miyatovitch ary

Viadislao Viaitch 25

Tomania Darosavljevitch (a woman aged 50).

Y ovan Stoianovitch, aged 60.

Zhiwoin Petrovitch ,, 58.

Nicola Krpa 160,

Zhioko Shoaba , 30.

Many men and boys were taken away as hostages. All women who failed to find some place of safety were outraged.

No. 28

Lieutenant Yevrem Georgevitch, orderly officer of the Commander of the Drina Division, 1st levy, reports under the date of August 9th/22nd :

In the village of T'olisavatz, district of Radjevo,the following persons were massacred by the Austrians:

Raiko Popovitch, aged 85, Tzveta, daughter of Vasilie Popovitch, aged 22, a daughter-in-law of Spasoie Yankovitch, aged 25. She had her arms cut off.