The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


men and women, of those whom the troops had driven out before them. In Yania, he saw 4 old men dragging a cart full of rifles, ammunition, ete. A group of 20 women and children followed the cart. A few moments later he heard a volley and was informed that the whole party had been shot. He never saw them again. It was also near Shor that two young men were tortured because they refused to be prisoners. Towards ten o'clock they were thrown into a ditch and killed.

No. 72. Whenever his regiment entered a village (in Serbia) he always found it deserted, because other troops moved ahead of his regiment during the campaign. In Bosnia he saw many villages set on fire.

No. 73 and No. 74, both « Einjihrige Freiwillige (< one-year-service volunteers ”), complained of the way in which they were treated by their officers and of the food. Both declare that they were told to spare nobody, that all they met must be killed. Captain Stransky gave the order to cut down all who carried arms, even such as did not fire.

No. 75 declares that several shots were fired from a certain house at the Austrians. The Austrians slaughtered the whole of the family living in the house, and then burnt more than 800 houses. At Krupanj, during the night, the Austrians fired upon their own Red Cross.

Deposition of Witness No. 76:

Evidence of Landwehr soldier of the 32nd Regt. In Shabatz it appears that it was principally the Hungarians who maltreated women and children and killed them afterwards. Privates who took part in the taking of Shabatz did not see the atrocities.