The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


with her work without taking any notice of them. Suddenly she was shot at, and a bullet passed through her thigh. I verified the wound.

Stana Belanovitch (Civil Hospital), native of

Loznitza, and 50 years of age. During the night of September 14th, while she was sleeping quietly, the Austrian soldiers suddenly burst into the village. As her bed was near the window, an enemy soldier saw her and fired at her. A bullet grazed her hand and wounded her in the leg. On account of the close range at which the shot was fired, the wound is serious. Verified by me. (Civil Hospital of Mrzanovatz), aged 13 years. He was herding cattle when the Austrians came. He was carried off’ with 5 other persons, two of whom were old men. Their hands were pinioned, and they were led away as far as the Save. They did not stay there long, but were taken back to the interior. At a certain place all six were placed on a hay-rick. The soldiers then fired upon them at close range (4 to 5 metres). was wounded in the head, and had to be trepanned. A bullet also passed through his left arm. The wounds were verified by me.

Besides these, there were likewise at the Civil Hospital on October 17th:

Zhivoin Popovitch, of Bela, suffering from a bullet wound, and Vasilie Popovitch, of Shabatz, wounded by a grenade during the bombardment.

, aged 16, of Shabatz, and , aged 14. These two young girls were taken by the Austrians, and depose as follows: Part of the women